Monday, June 30, 2008


june is ending.

our nation is at the height of its fucktardism stage.
i'm starting work tomorrow on a painting.
i'm growing out my nails so i can slash peoples throats.
im growing my hair out so no one will call me sir ever again.
i'm burnt out at 23.
i need opinions to feed on.
i need you to
feed my narcissism.
ill repay you with plastic playpen balls and shifty eyes.
i think tonight i'm going to sleep happy.
ill find something interesting to blog about soon.

i know some of you read with vigor.
could you do me a favor?
use the paint program and draw me something.
even if you SUCK at art. please?
i need the inspiration.
even if its only a pie chart about oil or something. [jon]
email it to me, or paste it in the comments.
it'll mean the world to this artist. she loves it.

i have to put the cats out.


Anonymous said...


How about this:

"If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man (or woman) when he (or she) goes for a walk"

- Raymond Inmon.

It works for me. I compose poetry on my cell phone when it pops into my head, otherwise I forget before I get home.

Hard to sketch or paint while on the move, but you can always stop and sit awhile in the hot Texas

Stephanie said...

that damn sun.
maybe ill have a heat stroke and see something in the hallucinations that follow.

sadly i'm pretty sure angels dodge me instead of whisper to me.

but ill try it.....